TIG Welding Machines

Master Precision TIG Welding With The Help Of CK Supply

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TIG Welding Equipment From CK Supply

CK Supply only represents the industry-leading manufacturers in welding equipment and technology. We stand behind all of the equipment we sell and offer after sale support of parts, repair, technical assistance, and consumables.

What Is TIG Welding?

Tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding uses a non-consumable tungsten electrode, also known as a TIG stick, to create an electrical current that melts and fuses metal. The weld area and electrode are protected from atmospheric contamination by an inert shielding gas. Helium and argon are commonly used as shielding gases, and filler metal is normally used, but not needed in every TIG process. A constant-current welding power source produces electrical energy, which is conducted across the arc through a column of plasma. Power to produce a welding arc can be supplied by a transformer, transformer-rectifier, or inverter welder. TIG welding is ideal for welding thin sections of stainless steel and metals such as aluminum, magnesium, and copper alloys. In comparison to MIG welding and stick welding, TIG welding allows the technician greater control over the weld. Great control translates to stronger, neater, higher-quality welds. However, the TIG welding process is more complex and difficult to master.

Contact CK Supply Today

No matter the feature you want CK Supply has the equipment you need! Contact us today for more information.

Rent or Buy, CK Supply’s on Your Side

Whether you need a machine for a day or several machines for months, Cee Kay has a convenient rental program and the finest fleet of arc welders available for purchase. We rotate stock frequently to ensure you receive the newest technology and reliable rental equipment from top producers in the industry. As we rotate our stock, we give our customers the opportunity to purchase used equipment at reduced rates. With our commitment to quality, we can guarantee you the best TIG welding machines for sale. You also have the benefit of maintaining the original manufacturer’s warranty, if one remains. We offer free welding technique courses that will get you and your team up to speed when you purchase a new TIG welder.

Cee Kay employs six factory-certified technicians to perform service and warranty repairs on all of the equipment we sell, and we also have two mobile repair vans to make on-site repairs. Our rental fleet consists of over 800 pieces of equipment to fulfill all your welding and cutting needs. Looking for an AC/DC TIG welder with the latest inverter technology? Look no further than Cee Kay.


Years of Experience

Trust CK Supply for high-quality equipment, premium lab-certified gases, and excellent customer service.

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