Gas Analyzers

Is your current gas distribution system operating efficiently? If not, a gas analyzer might be the fix your system needs. The right gas analysis tool will boost ecological consistency, upgrade effectiveness, well-being, and product quality.

What Is a Gas Analyzer?

A gas analyzer is a device used to measure glasses in distribution equipment, typically created by combustion. Analyzers measure different gasses in the system and give readings regarding their contents. Gas analyzers indicate if fuel is released inadvertently, which is an excellent safety measure protecting against fires in facilities.

Analyzers determine system efficiency and promptly deliver reliable and accurate measurements determining emission levels. In addition to monitoring gas levels, gas analyzers assess the amount of carbon monoxide in a system.

What Do Gas Analyzers Do?

Gas analyzers provide highly accurate and reliable measurements of industrial gasses. They play an integral role in maintaining emissions compliance, evaluating no-start conditions, monitoring exhaust system leaks, and much more.

Gas analyzers measure and detect carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, HC infrared, fuel-dependent total hydrocarbons, nitrogen dioxide, oxygen, and other gas mixtures.

Industrial Applications for Gas Analyzers

At CK Supply, we provide gas analyzers to various industries like agriculture, manufacturing, waste management, and oil businesses. We also have equipment for a range of industrial applications:

  • Process Gas Analyzers
  • Hydrogen Purity Analyzers
  • Power Generation Gas Analyzers
  • Landfill Gas Analyzers
  • Oil and Gas Analyzers
  • Hazardous Area Analyzers
  • Steel Making Analyzers
  • Heat-Treating Gas Analyzers
  • Portable Gas Analyzers
  • Continuous Gas Analyzers

Are You Ready To Update Or Install A New Gas Analyzer For Your Distribution System?

Don’t Wait Any Longer—Reach Out To Our Team At CK Supply Today.

Types of Gas Analyzers

Most modern gas analyzers use fixed or portable detectors to service a versatile range of businesses’ needs. It’s important for facility managers to know the different types of industrial gas analyzers, conditions where they work best, and a run down of how they operate:

Pellistor Catalytic Industrial Gas Analyzers

This analyzer uses a reactant ignition function to detect burnable gasses at lower explosive level fixations. Pellistor catalytic analyzers have been used for decades for industrial measurements, mainly estimating the temperature between idle and chemical catalyst dots.

As the two points warm, they react to a full scope of combustible gases. These analyzers have high variances in humidity and temperature, reacting with hydrogen, methane, acetylene, carbon monoxide, butane, and propane.

Non-Dispersive Infrared Point Industrial Gas Analyzers

Infrared analyzers measure two frequencies; gasses at one wavelength absorb the frequency, and the other end of the wavelength that isn’t consumed by gas. Infrared detectors are an excellent option for identifying hydrocarbon gasses in low-oxygen conditions. These sensors also locate halogenated hydrocarbons, hydride gasses, silicones, and other gas mixtures. Because gas doesn’t retain infrared light, non-dispersive infrared sensors shouldn’t be used when hydrogen is present.

Electrochemical Industrial Gas Analyzers

Electrochemical gas detectors operate by converting gas content into electrical flow. Gas mixtures in distribution systems diffuse into the sensor through a layer where a functioning terminal component optimizes them. The electrochemical reaction creates electric flow through the outer circuit of the analyzer. These detectors are best for locating harmful gasses in small or limited spaces that typically lack oxygen.

Enhanced Laser Diode Tunable Industrial Gas Analyzers

Enhanced laser diode equipment perceives and detects the fingerprint of gas through a sensor optical laser technology. These analyzers are perfect for recognizing water fumes, methane, and other gas mixtures.

Benefits of Gas Analyzers

Gas analyzers can detect components in your distribution and protect the people within your facility. Below are additional benefits to installing or updating gas analyzers:

Maximized Efficiency

The main advantage of installing gas analyzers in your facility is allowing distribution systems like boilers to run optimally. Modern analyzers operate continuously, compared to traditional systems that may still be in your facility. Continuous analyzers can detect the source much quicker if there is a minor problem arising from a distribution system.

Environmental Pros

The combustion flue chamber of a gas analyzer has a significantly reduced environmental impact. The detection system increases operating efficiency, which, in return, lowers pollution entering the atmosphere. Going green is an increasingly evident business practice today, and gas analyzers will help promote the environment in your facility.

Increased Safety

The combustion flue chamber of a gas analyzer has a significantly reduced environmental impact. The detection system increases operating efficiency, which, in return, lowers pollution entering the atmosphere. Going green is an increasingly evident business practice today, and gas analyzers will help promote the environment in your facility.

Industries That Use Gas Analyzers

Many companies use gas analyzers daily to make their operations run more safely and smoothly. Below are just a few industries that use gas analyzers.

Pharmaceutical Industry

The chemical composition of drugs supplied by the pharmaceutical industry is a key area gas analyzers protect, in addition to monitoring purity levels of active ingredients.

Food Processing Industry

The quality of food content depends on the purity of ingredients. Gas analyzers help:

  • Measure moisture content
  • Test for the presence of harmful gasses
  • Monitor air quality
  • Check for leaks in pipes
  • Determine the presence of possible contaminants

Environmental Industry

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) assesses the environment using gas analyzers to help monitor:

  • Hazardous waste sites
  • Air pollution
  • Water contamination

Choose CK Supply for Your Gas Analyzer Needs

At CK Supply, we’re experts in our industry. We’ve been helping companies with their welding and gas needs for 77 years. Whether you need new analyzers or are looking to replace your old ones, CK Supply is the best place to find a gas analyzer. Contact us today for all your gas analyzer needs.

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Investing in a gas storage cabinet is the best way to streamline your gas processes. Learn why you should choose CK Supply for your next gas cabinet.

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